"Lisa provided an informative workshop to our staff for our in-service. Lisa's presentation style promotes attendee participation. She did an excellent job researching and designing a self-care workshop that balanced giving staff some solid tools to relieve anxiety with fun activities to keep participants' interest. I would highly recommend Lisa to provide workshops for any library or organization."
- Jennie Garner, Library Director, North Liberty, Iowa
Book Lisa for your next conference or training. Some of her speaking topics include:
- Self-Care Seminar: Taking Care of YOU and Your Workplace Too
- Mindfulness in your workplace and your life-place
- Everyone Communicates, Few Connect: How to speak so your team will listen
- Read to Lead: How reading for pleasure can bring out the leader in you!
- Words matter: Rethinking how you communicate with others
- ILA Virtual, Iowa Library Association
- Back in Circulation, UW Madison
- Lead the Way: Libraries Transforming Communities, UW Madison
- Kids First, State Library of Iowa
- Emergency Home Learning Summit, Learning Revolution
- Kids First National, Children's Guild Alliance
- Kids Matter, State Library of Iowa
Some of Lisa's topics focusing on librarianship include:
- Library Lisa's Adventures at School: How to increase circulation through outreach
- Mindfulness in the Library: Bringing the "Shhhhhhh" to your mind and your patrons will follow
- Little Leaders Everywhere: Teaching Leadership with Picture Books
- What You Can Do with Library Glue: Creating Community Bonds that Stick